Bay Club University |

Sales Leadership Workshop Recap | November 2021

Sales Leadership Workshop Recap | November 2021

We held our first in person training workshop in over two years, and it felt so good to see everyone in person again! We held the Southern California Workshop in Los Angeles at our Manhattan Country Club on November 17-18, and we held the Northern California Workshop in San Francisco at the Intercontinental Hotel on November 19-20.

Our Sales Leadership Workshop was led by Mary Laudati, CEO of Mary Laudati Sales Consulting —with guest presentations by members of the Senior Executive Team.  Participants engaged in a macro discussion of the business, while also learning the daily knowledge and skills needed to be successful in a sales seat. The Workshop was open to anyone looking for a career in sales, as well as current membership directors
interested in sharpening their sales skills.  It was not all work and no play – in both markets the participants and the presenters attended a fun mixer afterwards where they got to get to know each other better or simply catch up over a game of ping pong or foosball.

Key takeaways from the Workshop were:

  • How to have a positive sales attitude
  • Have an open mind to embrace proven sales techniques
  • Be courageous and step out of your comfort zone
  • Not to take “no” personally
  • Be patient (but not too patient)
  • Create your own destiny
  • Plan for success
  • Work Production – Identify and complete specific daily tasks of a sales champion

If you are wondering if this workshop would be beneficial for you, please read the feedback from some of the participants of the Sales Leadership Workshop regarding their experience and how it impacted them.

Hailey Lord | Customer Service Specialist, Bay Club Pleasanton

Attending the Sales Leadership Workshop was a great experience! It really gave me the courage to step out of my comfort zone and learn a part of the business I may have never got the opportunity to experience. I was nervous to attend as I have no background in sales and have never even thought about raising my hand for a sales position, but I would encourage anyone who is looking to grow with the Bay Club to apply in the future. Even if sales doesn’t end up being your path – I learned a lot about our business, met a lot of amazing people, and gained skills and knowledge how to better my communication with our members that I have on a daily basis.


Grant Willis | Membership Director, Bay Club Oregon

Loved the two-day training taught by Mary and team. I was able to bring back what I was taught at the workshop and INSTANTLY apply it at my club. If you’re interested in a sales position at the Bay Club, I strongly recommend you attending the next workshop. You’ll learn valuable tips, verbiage, and skills to make feel more comfortable in sales.

Tori Seixas | Sr. Membership Director, SF Campus

This training is great for those who have been in sales for 1 month or 10+ years. It is a nice reminder of the fundamentals and a crash course in relationship building. Also a reminder that above all we are in the PEOPLE business and to have fun showing prospective Members everything they can do at our clubs. Anytime you have the opportunity to sharpen your skills there will be a positive effect on your work, the team and the company. Excited to see the trickle down effects of the training we just did! Sales applies to all aspects of your life. We are all in sales (and not just at work at the Bay Club, but in our day to day lives as well). The skills you learn in a training like this will be stay with you and be useful in many situations you find yourself in in the future. I highly recommend applying – you won’t be sorry!

If you would like to attend a future Sales Leadership Workshop or have any questions, please feel free to reach out to

1 Comment

  • Daniela Lucchesi  |  February 7, 2022 at 4:54 pm

    I was unable to attend the Sales Leadership Workshop this past November and am very interested in attending any Training Events in the future. Thank you, Daniela

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