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Stick to Your New Year’s Resolutions

Stick to Your New Year’s Resolutions

Make your resolutions count this year! We have advice from Kenny Lorenzetti, VP of Fitness at Bay Club San Francisco, to help your goals for 2023 become a reality.

What is the best way to stick to a new fitness resolution/goal?

The best way to start—and stick—with anything is to find something that seems fun to you. The other is finding something that helps increase performance in things you enjoy like golf, racket sports, swimming, etc. This helps you find enjoyment which will keep you going.

What is the best way to incorporate fitness and/or staying active if exercising  was infrequent previously?

Any number of times per week is better than no times per week. Try to come as often as you can and if you do, it will still be more than it was before. In fitness, you get what you give.

What is the best way to stick to a nutrition goal?

I like to start with not quitting anything right away, but instead, when possible, try to substitute healthier food options into my diet. This helps dramatically. There are a lot more healthy alternatives available to us in the food industry lately, which can make this endeavor much easier. Remember, healthy eating is finding the right food plan that works for you. We are all different, so there is no one way.

What are some misconceptions about what it means to have a “good” exercise routine?

One misconception is that you have to be here five days a week to be successful. Your body will get stronger if you try and you will lose weight if you move more then you did before without increasing your calories in the wrong way. Be specific and don’t be too hard on yourself. People get disgruntled by that—don’t! Every time you try, it’s more then you did before. Be proud of yourself instead. Celebrate all the small wins along the way.

Anything else people should know about staying true to your fitness goals?

Keep it fun and know that the juice is worth the squeeze.

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