Diversity and Inclusion |

Bay Club Roots | March 2021

Bay Club Roots | March 2021

Throughout our 40-year company history, we’ve been fortunate to have a workplace of associates with various backgrounds, languages, philosophies on life, and experiences enrich our clubs. And it is through these differences that they bring knowledge, new perspectives, and unique approaches to what we do.

 Bringing people into what already exists, it is making a new space, a better space for everyone. 

-George Dei


Cristina Gonzalez | Club Manager, Bay Club Fremont

I grew up in Fremont, CA, and have worked with the company for five and half years, I am currently Bay Club Fremont’s Club Manager; however, I started as a sports desk associate and later transitioned to other roles such as MOD, Front Desk Manager, and F&B and Operations Manager.

My background is diverse; despite spending my whole life in the bay area. My mother was born and raised in Peru while my dad was born in California with Mexican heritage, early on I navigated through the differences that both countries had as well as those of South and North America. My mother spoke Spanish to me, and we traveled to Peru as much as we could, where I was able to not only practice the language but learn and experience the culture.

Growing up around other ethnicities and backgrounds has helped me develop a better sense of empathy and taught me to have an open mind. I am aware that the nice life I grew up with came with its share of struggle for my parents, and I feel gratitude for it because I know it was not a walk in the park; I am most proud of my work ethic because it came from them.

The empathy that I have been able to develop through this experience, helps me when working with our members in BCF, a lot of our members have similar stories and first generation in the US, some have English as a second language like my mother did when she came to the US as a young adult, this helps me think of what it must be like, and think of treating others the same way I would like my parents to be treated.

I believe inclusion requires effort, we can start by finding something in common with others; but once that is found, the bond is always there. We can find inspiration and make others feel included when getting involved in initiatives like the coffee chats, but if could share my advice with anyone, it would be “Be yourself, this is a safe space and we are welcoming, you can be you” and “It doesn’t matter what you do in our clubs, be proud about it, work with pride regardless of the task”


Mimi Co | Director of Operations, Bay Club Fremont

I joined the Bay Club Company 2 years ago, I started working in the member concierge program and I am now a Director of Operations in Fremont where I have now found my place; I enjoy communicating with members and staff and believe my life experience has been crucial in the formation of my ability to empathize and serve others.

Like others at Bay Club, my story is peculiar. I was born in the Philippines, my father is Chinese, and my mother is Filipino/ Chilean; at around 6 years old, I began my education attending school in the US while my family lived overseas. I grew up living between the US and the Philippines, speaking four languages and observing at a young age (as well as experiencing), the differences amongst cultures; from the value women held in each of them, to navigating different standards because what was normal in one country, was not always acceptable in the other.

Shortly after college, I worked in the import and export industry which allowed me to travel and be exposed to other cultures, including working in Chile for 5 years. After that, I unexpectedly joined the hospitality industry where I spent 11 years as a Manager in Guest Services, where I found a sense of accomplishment in helping others, and where I feel my development began.

I believe my upbringing developed independence; I am grateful my family empowered me and that in contrast to the ideas some of the cultures I grew up around had, my parents believed women are strong and empowered me by the opportunities I was given. Now I am most proud of my independence, not only financial, but of the freedom I have chosen.

Through these experiences, my sense of empathy and understanding of others grew, we never know what others have experienced or what they are going through.

My advice to others is to never give up, find your champions to help your development. When I joined Bay Club and began working with Ahmad, I found a mentor that is always willing to help and make me feel empowered, this helped me find my place.

Do you know someone in our Bay Club team you would like us to showcase? Write to us at hr@bayclubs.com with the name of your nominee.

1 Comment

  • Elyza Copon  |  March 22, 2021 at 8:48 am

    Yay! Go Cristina!!!

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