Diversity and Inclusion |

Diversity & Inclusion Education Series | July 2021

Diversity & Inclusion Education Series | July 2021

“Some people are old at 18 and some are young at 90. Time is a concept that humans created.” ― Yoko Ono

The Bay Club is committed to fostering a culture of inclusion, where all associates feel supported and valued. In this month’s Diversity and Inclusion Education Series, we are raising awareness about ageism. Ageism is stereotyping, bias, or discrimination based on a person’s age.  It is often reinforced unintentionally through negative stereotypes related to aging.

This series covers ageism and the language that often unintentionally reinforces negative stereotypes related to aging. We’ll also examine assumptions surrounding generational differences to provide alternative perspectives. Our focus is to continue creating spaces where the diverse experiences and skill sets of associates of all ages are respected and celebrated.

You can find everything you need for this month’s Education Series by clicking the links below:

  • Education Series Resources + Ageism Quiz – Participation in the Education Series is entirely voluntary, however, all Associates who review the educational resources and complete the quiz will be entered to win a Bay Club Beach Chair! So let’s see how you score. Participants must complete the quiz by or before Friday, August 6, 2021, to be entered into the drawing, good luck!
    • Note: Hourly Associates are paid for their participation and should be mindful that this time does not result in overtime.
English Spanish


  • Coffee Chat Schedule – All associates are invited to join us July 15, 2021 – July 29, 2021, as Task Force members will be hosting “Coffee Chats” to discuss the topic of Ageism. We would love for all our associates to use their voices, be part of the discussion, and join us on the journey of learning and growing together.


Associates have an additional opportunity to learn more about how we can all work together to foster positive relationships within our clubs and communities through online training courses on Inclusion & Belonging and Unconscious Bias via Emtrain, our Learning Management System. Associates will be paid if they choose to complete the online training courses.

For more information on how you can join the conversation, contact your Diversity Task Force team or your department head for more details!

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