We Are Bay Club |

10 Ways to Take Care of You!

10 Ways to Take Care of You!

Working at TBCC is exciting and comes with a busy, fast-pace lifestyle. It is important to take time for yourself to rest so that you are energized for work. Below is a list of 10 ways you can relax and check in on yourself.

  1. Listen to Music
    • Listening to your favorite songs can give you an extra serotonin boost to start your day or wind down before bed. Make or browse through playlists of songs on Apple Music/Spotify to listen to when you need a pick me up.
  2.  Exercise
    • Exercise is one of the best ways to deal with stress. Sign up for a Bay Club exercise class, take a walk, go on a hike, or find other ways to move your body. Some fun group exercise classes Bay Club offers are IGNITE, the new FIIGHT class, Zumba, cycling, and much more!
  3. Read a book
    • Reading is a great way to escape to another world without spending screen time. Give your eyes a rest and read a book, newspaper, or magazine.
  4. Journal
    • Writing your thoughts out can help you find clarity with things that have been on your mind and reflect on what is going on in your life. Take time to write a list of what you have accomplished, what you are grateful for, and some goals that you have.
  5. Take a social media and screens break
    • It can be very easy to get caught up with the lives of other associates and friends through Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and even LinkedIn. Although these social media platforms are great for keeping in touch with friends, they also make it easier for you to compare your lives with others. Take a break from your social media apps to focus on yourself and give your eyes a break from staring at screens all day. You will feel refreshed and refocused on you!
  6. Get some extra rest and sleep
    • Sleep enables your body to repair and prepare for a new day. Getting enough sleep is critical for your physical and mental health. If you find yourself not reaching your goal number of hours, take a nap or manage your time to fit in those much needed final hours of rest.
  7. Meditate
  1. Try something new
    • Another fun way to reset your mind is stepping out of your comfort zone and trying something new! Cook a new recipe, start a fun hobby that you have always wanted to try, watch a new TV show, etc.
  2. Eat your favorite food
    • Eating your favorite foods is a great way to lift your mood. Cook or order your favorite comfort foods and treat yourself.
  3. Spend time with loved ones
    • Take time out of your busy schedules to relax with your family and friends! It is important to find a balance between work and your personal life. Seeing your loved ones will brighten your day.

Written by 2021 Summer Intern Reina Richardson.

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